2nd Rail Vehicle Technology International Expert Meeting for WorldSkills Competition Held Online


 On August 10, 2021, at 7:00 pm (Beijing Time), the 2nd Rail Vehicle Technology International Expert Meeting for WorldSkills Competition was held via video link. The meeting was initiated by Prof Liu, Skill Competition Manager (SCM) for the Rail Vehicle Technology (RVT) Skill, WSC 2022 and moderated by Mr. Chow, Chief Expert (CE) for this skill competition. Participants include Brazil’s RVT Expert Mr. Domingues, China’s RVT Expert Mr. Luo, Russia’s RVT Expert Mr. Zakharenko, and Mr. Chen from Kaohsiung Metro, Taiwan, etc. Jiean Hi-tech participated in the meeting as the Global Partner of WorldSkills International (WSI) and Sponsor for the 46th WorldSkills Competition. Mr. Brooks, Skill Advisor for the RVT Skill, WSC 2022, was also invited to attend the meeting.

At the start of the meeting, CE Mr. Chow gave an opening speech, after which he invited Mr. Brooks to give his remarks.
Mr. Brooks stressed the importance of being familiar with the basic Competition Rules and Technical Description. His speech also featured an emphasis on making a fun competition that is enjoyable both for Competitors and Experts.
Then the RVT Skill SCM Prof Liu gave a brief introduction of the website.
After reviewing the 1st expert meeting taken place on July 15, Prof Liu provided an overview of the Online and Competition Platform, which as he pointed out, serves as a pivotal link in realizing the RVT Skill global promotion plan. The online can help competing countries and regions to get a clear understanding of the RVT Skill and the equipment, which is conducive to their selection and of candidates. The online competition, which is to be launched in early October, will make the website an international, professional and unique platform for RVT demonstration. Through this platform, we can better promote the RVT Skill, so as to attract more youth to engage in the rail transit industry.

Next, Miss Cao from the website developer Jiean Hi-Tech demonstrated the contents and usage of the website. Her presentation focused on the available resources on the website including technical documents and operation videos for the four modules, namely Pantograph, Passenger Compartment Door, Bogie and Vehicle. She also clarified which parts on the website were ready and which were to be unveiled in the future. Finally, Miss Cao gave the specific steps to apply for user accounts.

During the final link Q&A, Miss Cao responded to the proposed questions and advice related to the website one by one.
The RVT Online and Competition Platform (https://skills.jantech.cn/en) is a 3D virtual online platform designed and developed by Zhengzhou Jiean Hi-tech Co., Ltd. under the guidance of the RVT Skill SCM Prof Liu. It is designed to increase interactions between participating countries and regions across geographic boundaries, enhance the global impact of the RVT Skill and serve the preparation for the 46th WorldSkills Competition. Through application of virtual reality and 3D technologies, the platform presents more fun alongside professionalism, which is more in line with young people’s pursuit of individuality, fashion and trends. It is also hoped that, by use of the 3D virtual online and competition platform, we can not only help participating countries and regions to select and train their Competitors in a more efficient way, but also attract the attention of more youth to the RVT Skill, thus making our contribution to the global recognition of the Skill.